Me Asif Raihan I am a software engineer, been in the industry around 7+ yrs, proficient in all phases of software development. Fast learner, excellent problem solver, Critical and passionate individual with extensive experience wearing many hats. Emphasizes communication, understanding, and efficiency as primary foundations of approach.
Brithday | 01-01-1990 |
Call | +88-1611012366 | | |
Website | |
My career is marked by:
Programming Language: C, C++ , PHP, Java
Framework: PHP CodeIgniter ,Groovy on Grails, Spring
Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, AJAX, AngularJS
Reporting: Jasper Reports
Development IDEs: Eclipse, Net Beans, IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm ,Code blocks, MS
Visual Studio 6.0
Graphics: Photoshop.
Database : MYSQL, Mongo DB(Sound), Maria DB(Sound)
Web Service : Restful Web Service(PHP)
Processes: Scrum
Familiarity with version control systems. (SVN: Tortoise, Rabbit for Linux)
Web Applications deliver many business benefits compared to office based solutions
E-commerce eliminates the need for physical stores and allows businesses to expand their customer base.
Interactive UI with user Ux using latest technology
BENEFITS OF GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES Logos, infographics, website images—these are just some of the graphic design needs your company might come across as your business grows.
24x7 online support. Over phone and thorough a online support center.
enefits of SEO to Your Business. SEO Leads to Better User Experience. SEO Is a Primary Source of Leads. SEO Brings Higher Close Rates
Team Lead
Team Lead
Team Lead
Well, Asif Raihan Nijhum, I found him hardworking, so dedicated to his responsibilty, he is very professional to his works and a nice man to work with. He treats all the team members in a respectful and supportive manner. I have been ejoyed working with him througout the tenure. I wish him every success in life.
I have the privilege of working with Md. Asif Raihan in Microfin360 Dev team for more than 4 year at Datasoft Systems Bangladesh Ltd. He is proactive, result oriented, responsible and technically sound and he is always ready to put all his energy and time to get the job done. He has an exceptional troubleshooting and analytical skill. He is a great asset to any company.
Mr. Asif Raihan, I found him always reliable, he communicates with confidence, adapts anything quickly and easily. He shows genuine commitment to his works, very good problem solver, dedicated and goal oriented. He treats all the team members in a respective and supportive manners. I wish him a great future ahead.
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